If You Feel Like You've Tried Everything... from
Working with the Law of Attraction and Positive
Thinking — to Researching, Heeding Advice, and Doing
Everything "Right" with Your Business — but You're
STILL Not Getting the Results You Want...

STOP What You're Doing RIGHT NOW

No more willpower, affirmations, and positive thinking. No more trying to silence your negative 'head trash'. No more 'trying harder' and struggling to manifest your goals. No more wondering if and when you're going to finally "make it" and get out there with your gifts!

You are fully capable of achieving even your most
ambitious goals RIGHT NOW without willpower,
without struggle, and without a fight —

All you have to do is make friends with the
most powerful part of your mind.

From the Desk of Nikkea B. Devida

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Dear Fellow Change Agent,

Any of this sound familiar?

If any of this rings true for you, I have some good news. Seriously good news - the kind of news that can shift the equation for you in BIG WAY.

Your deep-seated limiting beliefs are NOT set in stone.

The problem is, you probably don't even know what they are,
so how can you change them?

In fact, you can precisely identify your subconscious beliefs in minutes with my new Accelerated Success Kit (ASK)™!

This training program is specifically designed to help you:

With this program, you will learn how to quickly and easily IDENTIFY your own subconscious limiting beliefs...without the guesswork!

You see, your beliefs create your reality, so your life is a reflection of your beliefs. Best-selling author and cellular biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton demonstrated that more than 99% of the power of our mind is in the subconscious: the hard drive of our bio-computer. Our subconscious beliefs are the cumulative effect of lifelong "programming". And as a result of past negative programming, we sometimes think and behave in self-defeating ways. ASK™ provides a user-friendly way to identify the software of your mind so you know EXACTLY which beliefs in your subconscious sabotage you and which ones support you...quickly and easily.

I've figured it all out, so you don't have to... and so you can easily duplicate my success.

I have learned how to quickly and easily manifest my goals, over and over, in virtually every area of my life. In fact, I am able to do it so quickly and easily, that these "miracles" are now just a normal, expected (and very appreciated) part of my life. How do I do it?

Here's a hint: I started by identifying my limiting beliefs directly at the subconscious level.

But it's deeper than that.

And now, I want to walk you through my process, because that is MY message: to help you realize the success you so deeply deserve.

Here's what I do, and here's how you can get started. Using ASK™, I clearly identify the goal I want to achieve as specifically as I can, and I write it down in the language that the subconscious understands. Then, I identify the beliefs that need to be changed. Then I change them (using ACT™) and start taking actions toward my goal.

(Once I IDENTIFY them, then I can change them.)

Many times, just by clearly identifying my goal and identifying the beliefs, things begin to fall perfectly into place: a "random" meeting of a person or a phone call "out of the blue" moves me in a powerful direction toward my goal...more quickly and easily than I could have ever planned.

With ASK™, It's As Easy To Identify Your Limiting Beliefs As It Is
To Open Up a Word Processing Document!

Here's the thing: There are more "change modalities" out there than you can shake a stick at, but it's critical to work DIRECTLY with the subconscious mind to know EXACTLY which limiting beliefs you need to change! Otherwise, you could be spending a lot of time working on the wrong things. When you pinpoint exactly which subconscious beliefs you need to change, you'll get the fast results.

NOT, as you might have thought, through willpower, positive thinking, affirmations, and the various other popular change techniques (which, as you've probably noticed, don't always get you the results you want). VERY few change techniques actually work with the subconscious in a direct, verifiable, and systematic way. Experts in their fields claim that these techniques work at the subconscious level, but they can't actually verify, on-the-spot, that they identified or changed those beliefs or that it actually worked.

That's why ASK™ is different: you can identify those subconscious beliefs and verify them, easily. ASK™ takes out all the guesswork and doesn't leave anything to "hope" or "chance".

Working directly to identify beliefs at the subconscious level is where BIG results originate. That IS backed by science.

Using this easy-to-learn, step-by-step system, you focus on any goal, and identify the beliefs holding you back from achieving it. And here's the best part: it doesn't matter if you've been working with the subconscious mind for years, or if you're a total newbie. I purposely designed the system so that you can start identifying your own beliefs NOW, straight out of the gate...

No telling your life story for the "umpteenth" time, no mental gymnastics, no journaling,
no fluff, no gimmicks. The process is simple, direct, & verifiable.

When You Change Your Beliefs, You Change Your Life

How do you know if you have limiting beliefs on the subconscious level? It's easy: Pay attention to your results. If you have everything you desire in your business and your life- you probably don't have many limiting beliefs.

But if you notice there are some trouble spots where you're experiencing inconsistent results, struggle, overwhelm, and you can't seem to get where you want to go fast enough, then chances are good that you do have some limiting beliefs in that area.

Here's the good news: that's really EASY to identify... and change.

And it's only after you IDENTIFY your limiting beliefs that you can change them.

With ASK™, you IDENTIFY them...in just minutes.

(With ACT™, you CHANGE them...also in just minutes...as easily as editing a word processing document. You edit. You save. And you're done.)

ASK™ is the FIRST PART of what you get in the more comprehensive Accelerated Change Template (ACT)™ Belief Change Program.

Here's more detail about each of the modules of the Accelerated Success Kit (ASK)™:

Module 1 - Introduction To Beliefs & How Your Brain Works

This first module creates a foundation for the rest of the program. Learn all about beliefs and how the subconscious mind works in this introductory section.

Module 2 - Choose the Overall Goal for your Subconscious Mind

This module of the Accelerated Success Kit (ASK)™ is the next step, but very important part of your process. You've heard the saying "Be careful what you ask for...because you just might get it"? Well, when you work directly with your subconscious mind, you WILL get it. This step ensures that you're crystal clear on the outcome you desire- and that your subconscious mind understands EXACTLY what that means!

Choose. We continue here because Choosing your goal is the core of what you intend to manifest. It also informs your subconscious mind of the beliefs that are not in alignment with that goal. Everything else is reverse-engineered from the goal. (Sometimes, choosing the goal may be what you're most resisting. So we start here and pull it together so you have no excuses in manifesting what you've chosen as your goal.)

You learn:

Module 3 - Communicate Directly with your Subconscious Mind

Communicate. Next, you learn how to establish direct Communication with your subconscious mind. This ASK™ module gives you the tools you need to communicate with your subconscious mind on your own, with a partner, and with clients. A detailed, comprehensive, step-by-step video tutorial shows you many different ways to Communicate with your subconscious mind, as well as the step by step process to follow. You only need to choose one that works for you, and you're on your way.

Then, we Identify the limiting beliefs requiring change so that you know exactly which ones need to change. By identifying your subconscious beliefs, you can get the fastest change in the shortest amount of time with the least amount of effort. You'll know you've identified the right beliefs to change from the very beginning!

You learn:

Module 4 - Clarify Goals/Beliefs For Your Subconscious Mind

Clarify. You'll also get my 5-step Accelerated Intention Method (AIM)™ process. The language of the conscious mind and subconscious mind are very different. The AIM)™ process will "clarify" your goal in the language that your subconscious mind understands. It's like a translation process that allows you to communicate your "conscious goal" to your subconscious mind. This is goal-setting for your subconscious mind, NOT your conscious mind.

You learn:

The Accelerated Success Kit (ASK)™ Virtual Program includes:

Four information and transformation packed modules that come directly from the first modules of the Accelerated Change Template (ACT)™ Belief Change System. It includes audio training, video training, and my comprehensive course materials. These modules are located in a virtual classroom and online Member Site that include audio, video and the newly upgraded ASK™ Quick Reference Guide.

Upon registering, you can dive in immediately, and start learning how to create positive, supportive beliefs right away. In this training, you get crystal clear about which goals you want to achieve, and the exact beliefs you need to change in order to achieve them. (This alone can start to transform your business and life results immediately.)

Module 1: Introduction to Beliefs and How Your Brain Works.

Module 2: Choose: How to Choose and create an overall goal for the subconscious mind.

Module 3: Communicate: (Video) Step-by-step video tutorial to learn how to quickly and accurately communicate with your subconscious mind as well as how to Identify the beliefs you need to change.

Module 4: Clarify: How to Clarify and translate your goals and beliefs into the language that the subconscious mind understands.

This is self-guided program that you can complete at your own pace for each of the four learning modules. You should plan to invest about 2-3 hours per module to get the most out of this program.

The ASK™ program is designed to give you the initial (but critical) information you need to accelerate your results by understanding and communicating directly with your subconscious mind. You get direct access to my 20+ years of wisdom and experience to identify your subconscious beliefs in minutes.

Access to my Accelerated Success Kit (ASK)™ Member Site

My ASK™ program includes access to my exclusive ASK™ Online Member Site, where you can learn at your own pace. Immediately upon registering for the program, you'll be able to review your first assignment, get started, and begin learning about the most powerful part of your mind...your subconscious!

But that's not all. You're also going to get these great bonuses:

Bonus #1: Audio-Be Careful What You Ask For: 7 Categories of Critical Questions To Manifest Exactly What You Meant vs. What You Said
(Value: $47)

You've heard the saying, "Be careful what you ask for, because you might get it", right? You'll learn a powerful process to get totally clear on your goal and the 7 categories of critical questions you must ask to match what you meant into what you said...for both your conscious mind and your subconscious mind. Because you understand it at the conscious level, doesn't mean your subconscious does. You'll get totally clear on your goal and understand the powerful principles of how to articulate it to your subconscious mind.

So whether your goal is around Health, Wealth, Success, Love, Etc. = Results

The above "results" could mean many different things to different people. While it may sound counter-intuitive, it's important to ask yourself some key questions to identify the potential negative consequences to achieving your goal if it manifested literally in the way that you asked for it. This will quickly identify and clarify what you "meant" vs. what you "said".

Bonus #2 - Over 150 Belief Statements in 6 Categories
(Value: $97)

I've been collecting thousands of belief statements since 1995 that I've personally aligned for myself and others. As a way to get you started right away, and start those creative juices flowing, you receive over 100 actual belief statements that you can use in 4 different business and life categories. You can "test" whether or not these powerful, positive belief statements are in your subconscious mind exactly as they are, or change them to fit your exact goals. Here are the 6 Belief Categories that we will focus on in this program:

The ASK™ program is the PERFECT next step to support your business and your life. You'll have all the tools and resources you need to directly communicate with your subconscious mind and identify your limiting beliefs whenever you need to for years to come.

Bonus #3 - Overall Goals Library
(Value $197)

A categorized list of Overall Goals that other participants have created in the program for the past several years. Over 200 Overall Goals organized by Physical/Health/Ideal Weight/Body, Financial/Business/Money/Career, Spiritual, Relationships, and More Categories that you can use for yourself!

Bonus #4 - Crystal Pendulum & Case
(Value: $25)

Learn how to identify your own subconscious beliefs using this powerful self-muscle testing tool.

PLUS I have 1 SUPER-DUPER BIG bonus for the first 17 who register!!!

Super Duper BIG Bonus #5 - A one-to-one 30-minute
Accelerated Breakthrough Session with me!
(Value: $375)

So to recap, here's what you're going to get:

The Entire Accelerated Success Kit (ASK)™
Virtual Program

Introduction Audio-How the brain works and how beliefs are formed. (Value: $47)
Choose: Audio-Goal setting for the subconscious mind (Value: $47)
Communicate: Video-13 ways to communicate directly with your subconscious mind and identify your subconscious beliefs in minutes (Value: $97)
Clarify: Audio-How to Clarify and translate your goals and beliefs into the language that the subconscious mind understands. (Value: $47)

Access to view and download course materials on the online ASK™ Member Site

and, if you're one of the first to register...

Here's how it's going to work:

You'll be sent an invitation to join our exclusive online Member Site. There you'll find the entire "ASK™ Program" modules laid out for you in a clear, easy-to-follow format.

For each of the four training modules, you'll have an assignment to complete from the program. You'll need to listen to the audio and/or watch the videos and go through the Quick Reference Guide.

There's only one catch here — you really need to do the work. You should plan to invest 2-3 hours per module to get the most out of this program. This includes the Quick Reference Guide, the recorded calls, the video, and the practice time after each module.

"WOW - This all sounds fabulous.
So, what's the investment for this program, Nikkea?"

As you'll come to expect from me, I'm not going to start comparing the price to cups of Starbucks coffee or new shoes. You already know it's a good deal and when you apply what you learn, you'll EASILY make your money back (probably with just the amount of time you'll save from now on to know exactly which subconscious beliefs you need to work on, and which ones you don't!).

In the past, this information has only been available as part of my comprehensive, transformational Accelerated Change Template (ACT)™ Belief Change System.

After all, what's it worth to you to have complete confidence and the tools to specifically, exactly, and precisely communicate directly with your subconscious mind and identify your subconscious beliefs? And more importantly, what's the cost to you to NOT identify those limiting beliefs? (Besides a lifetime of struggle?)

Plus, you get to walk through the Accelerated Success Kit at your own pace, all for just $197.

When you consider how quickly you'll be communicating with the most powerful part of your mind and identifying your subconscious beliefs, you'll see how affordable this investment in yourself really is.

And remember, you're going to learn the exact, specific, verifiable tools behind communicating with your subconscious mind and identifying your limiting beliefs in just minutes. Not days, weeks, months, or years. You'll be working in partnership with your subconscious mind and identifying beliefs right away AND you'll feel confident while you're doing it. What is that worth to you? I think it's priceless, when you consider that working directly with your subconscious mind makes all the difference in achieving your goals faster and easier, and without all the struggle.

You'll more than make your investment back with just the amount of time you'll save! With ASK™, not only will you know exactly which beliefs you need to change, you'll also know exactly which beliefs you DON'T need to change! Why waste days, weeks, months and years working on beliefs that don't need to be changed at all?!!

You'll also be protected by my
"I love this training" Guarantee

I'm confident that you will be thrilled with my Accelerated Success Kit Program! We also know that if you follow the steps and do the work, you will understand how to properly set goals for your subconscious mind, directly communicate with your subconscious mind, and identify your own limiting beliefs.

Just to back that up, I'll give you 30 days to learn the system and live with the work and REALLY decide if it's for you... in your heart. If you decide it's not for you... just let us know, return the complete product (in original packaging with all components and bonuses) in re-saleable condition and get a refund of the course tuition.* No reason needed. No hard feelings. No hoops to jump through. You can't lose with my 100% ironclad, money back guarantee. FAIR ENOUGH???

* Minus shipping and handling

Ready to reserve your spot?

Yes Nikkea! I'm Ready For
Accelerated Success & Results!

I understand I'm going to get the Accelerated Success Kit where I learn to choose and set goals for my subconscious mind, communicate directly with my subconscious mind, and identify the subconscious beliefs I need to change in order to accelerate my results!

I understand that I'll have access to my online ASK™ Virtual Member Site.

Introduction: Audio-How the brain works and how beliefs are formed. (Value: $47)
Choose: Audio-Goal setting for the subconscious mind (Value: $47)
Communicate: Video-13 ways to communicate directly with your subconscious mind and Identify your subconscious beliefs in minutes! (Value: $97)
Clarify: Audio-How to Clarify and translate your goals and beliefs into the language that the subconscious mind understands. (Value: $47)

Plus, I'll get these bonuses:

  1. Audio-Be Careful What You Ask For: 7 Cateagories of Critical Questions To Manifest Exactly What You Meant vs. What You Said (Value: $47)
  2. Over 150 belief statements in 6 categories (Value: $97)
  3. Overall Goals Library (Value: $197)
  4. Crystal Pendulum & Case (Value: $25)
  5. A one-to-one Accelerated Breakthrough Session with me for the first 17 who register (Value: $375)

...all for just $197!

And I know I'm protected by your "I Love this Training" Guarantee.

Are you ready to get clear about what you really want,
and (FINALLY!) turn your dreams into reality?

If you are no-kidding ready to step out of wishing, wanting and hoping into CLAIMING the life of your dreams, I invite you to register now for the ASK™ Virtual Training.

Payment Plans Are Available In 1 or 2 Easy Monthly Payments!!

(Payments will be processed in 30 day increments.)

(Plus shipping. Sales tax added for CA residents)

Rest easy - your order will be processed on secure servers.

To Your Growth, Freedom & Success!

Nikkea Devida

Nikkea B. Devida

P.S. Make sure you don't miss the opportunity if it's meant for you! So if this speaks to you, register now to reserve your spot.

A Philosophy For Success (by Mahatma Gandhi)

Keep Your Beliefs Positive


Your Beliefs Become Your Thoughts
Your Thoughts Become Your Words
Your Words Become Your Actions
Your Actions Become Your Habits
Your Habits Become Your Values
Your Values Become Your Destiny

So, your BELIEFS become your DESTINY.

Isn't it time for YOU to Design Your Destiny?

This is the first step..

Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our program and its potential. Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, don't apply to the average attendee/purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual's success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire, and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money.

Soaring Entrepreneur, Inc.
P.O. Box 5046
Ventura, CA 93005
Phone: 805-665-3425
E-mail: support@fastresultsformula.com

© 2025 Soaring Entrepreneur, Inc. All rights reserved.

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